Our Team

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The enviable position, we have achieved in the market is due to the sincere and meticulous approach by our team members. Their expertise and efficacy in their respective operation areas enable us to procure and offer premium range of Agro Products, Herbal,Nutraceutical Ingredients. Our team has a keen eye for quality and in view of that, plans the complete trading process so that delays are avoided.

Our team of professionals includes:

  • Nutritionist
  • Herbal Experts
  • Quality Auditors

In addition, to the above mentioned team members, we have a sales and marketing team that conducts extensive survey to understand the demands in the market and communicate the same to other teams. Our skilled and experienced procuring agents procure only high grade products that are in demand.

The packaging team, well versed with the process further ensures hygienic and effective packaging of products in order to retain the natural taste and nutritional value. The teams work in close coordination with the quality experts who comprehensively vigil all activities initially from sourcing to packaging to ensure a consistent dispatch of superior quality fruits and vegetables.

It is only due to their hard work and proficiency that we are able to deliver qualitative products within the stipulated frame of time.
