Boswellia serrata Extract

Product Name Boswellia Dry Extract
Botanic Name: Boswellia Serrate Origin INDIA
Part Use Gum Active Content Boswellic acid
Specification Test Method
Physical Control
Description Off white to cream colour Powder with characterstic odor & Astrigent taste Organoleptic/In house
Identification By TLC TLC
Sieve Analysis 100% pass 60 mesh USP<786>
Loss on Drying <5% USP<731>
Bulk Density 0.3-0.7 gm/ml USP<616>
Boswellic acid 50% to 90%   Titration
Chemical Control
Arsenic (As) NMT 1ppm USP<231>
Cadmium(Cd) NMT 1ppm USP<231>
Lead (Pb) NMT 3ppm USP<231>
Mercury NMT 0.1 ppm USP<231>
Heavy Metals NMT 10ppm USP<231>
Residual Solvent As Per< USP> USP<467>
Microbiological Control
Total Plate Count <1,000cfu/g by Heat & Steam USP<31>
Yeast & Mold <1,00cfu/g by Heat & Steam USP<31>
Salmonella Negative USP<31>
E.Coli Negative USP<1>
Staphylococcus aureus Negative USP<61>


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